We love our planet. At Lanka Island Trails, our philosophy is that your holiday with us should not be at the cost of either the local communities or the environment. A commitment to responsible and sustainable tourism is part of our DNA and your holiday will be designed with this in mind. Our local partners are very well informed about the standards we have set and we ensure that they closely adhere to them.

Travel and tourism has shifted beyond the creation of holiday experiences and connecting them with the customer. The term “travelling” has expanded and now includes lifestyle aspirations and personal enhancement. Applying Maslow’s pyramid of needs as an analogy to travel, now that our physical needs have been satisfied, we will seek emotional nourishment. Therefore, we want our travel experiences to encompass encounters that are not available for us in everyday life.

Responsible tourism satisfies these social needs through contact with local people, and takes us further up the ladder to self-actualisation and realisation through creative activities, knowledge and exploration.

Lanka Island Trails’ mission is to bring tourists closer to local people, their traditions, customs and beliefs.

• As a leading stakeholder in Tourism, Lanka Island Trails is proudly spreading the wings to maintain a high level of tourist satisfaction and ensure a meaningful experience to the tourists, raising their awareness about sustainability issues and promoting sustainable tourism practices amongst them.
• Making positive contributions to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage embracing diversity.
• No Animal Abusing & Violations - We don’t promote any destination/activity which abusing & violating animals.
• Generating greater economic benefits for local people and enhancing the well-being of host communities.
• Culinary Experience with local family
• Jeep safari in near National parks
• Tuk Tuk Safari
• Providing more enjoyable experiences for tourists through more meaningful connections with local people, and a greater understanding of local cultural, social and environmental issues.
• Providing access for physically challenged people.
• Being culturally sensitive, encouraging respect between tourists and hosts, and building local pride and confidence

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